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Diet and exercise

Physical exercise and eating well is important for everyone – but it’s especially important for a person recovering from an illness.



While your immune system is recovering, certain dietary restrictions may help to protect you from dangerous bacteria sometimes found in foods. Following treatment, your doctor or healthcare team will talk to you about your diet, and provide you with information about the right foods and how to prepare them safely. They also may arrange an appointment with a dietitian. A dietitian advises people on how to make informed and practical decisions about their food and nutrition.



Regular exercise has many positives. It can lift your mood, increase your energy levels and help you manage and maintain a healthy weight.

Following your CAR T cell therapy, you’ll need to talk to your healthcare team about what kind of exercise you’re allowed to do.  

For a while, they may recommend low-impact exercise, such as walking. Over time, you may be able to build up the intensity – but it’s important you don’t overexert yourself and are aware of your limitations.  

If you’re at risk of infection, your healthcare team may advise that you avoid gyms or other public places.

  • Ask your healthcare team about meeting with a physical or occupational therapist. Traditionally physical therapists work on improving your fitness, while occupational therapists work to assist you in adaptations and modifications to your home and daily activities.